Members login

Welcome to our Members area. Please log in below:

Note: To gain access to the members area your charity must be an Almshouse Association member and you need to have registered on the website. 


IMPORTANT: Some members have been experiencing  issues when trying to log into the Members area of the  Association’s website. Some are receiving an automated email stating that their account has been deleted. This is due to an upgrade that is currently taking place and the removal of dormant accounts.  Members should still be able to log into the Members in the usual manner, however if you are experiencing problems, please email us at


To ensure the integrity of the member pages, do not share your login details. If you use a public or shared computer, ensure you log out after use and do not allow the PC to save your login details. If you feel your details have been compromised, please reset your password. If you need any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.