The Almshouse Association is a support charity representing over 1600 independent almshouse charities across the UK.

Almshouses are a charitable form of self sufficient, low cost community housing that is held in trust for local people in housing need. They are managed and run by almshouse charities made up of local volunteers.

Today, 36,000 people are living full and independent lives in almshouses, finding friendships, wellbeing, safety and security inside their walls and within their communities. Through representation, fundraising, and your donations and legacies, The Almshouse Association is working hard with almshouses charities, local authorities and the Government to make it possible for many more to be built.

········ Latest almshouse news and stories ········

Older peopleā€™s housing recommendations supported by HAA

We were pleased to see PBC Todayā€™s article on 'Older people's housing recommendations supported by the Housing and Ageing Alliance...
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Letter from Westminster: Caroline Nokes MP

19th January 2025 Caroline Nokes Planning and development In her recent Letter from Westminster, published in the Hampshire Chronicle, The...
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Almshouse research takes centre stage at Skinners’, London

The Almshouse Association is expanding its research agenda to further explore the broader charity housing sector, aiming to provide additional...
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