Your gift will support a movement that has been transforming people’s lives for centuries.
For over a thousand years, generous and caring benefactors have been supporting people in need by building homes and creating communities. Their passion has generated an enduring ripple of philanthropy that ensures great things happen when partnered with the boundless potential of the almshouse movement.
The almshouse movement is growing and becoming a significant part of the response to the affordable housing crisis. Today, across the country, 36,000 people in need are living in thriving almshouse communities, but more are needed – The Almshouse Association has a plan to make this happen.
Our plan to raise funds to support almshouse charities across the country build thousands of new homes as well as futureproof existing almshouses is achievable – with your help.
Today, you have the power to leave a lasting legacy. You can make an enduring impact by leaving a gift in your Will to The Almshouse Association.
Join us in shaping a future where every act of generosity transforms people’s lives, builds thriving communities and protects historic buildings, in perpetuity.
Thinking about leaving a gift in your Will ?
We have joined forces with ‘Remember a Charity’ who are actively working to encourage more people to leave a gift in their will. They give advice on Will writing and we are proud to be one of the 200+ charities they are working with to ‘act today to make a difference tomorrow’.
Click here to find out more
To download our Legacy Guide, please click here
To find out more about the almshouse movement and our plans for the future, please call Nick Phillips CEO on 01344 452922 or email
Did you know?
The Almshouse Association receives no government funding and relies totally on the subscriptions of member charities, legacies, donations and the goodwill of others to continue its work.
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