The 100th anniversary of an almshouse in Ramsgate has been marked with a tree planting ‘dug in’ by award-winning actress and Thanet arts patron Brenda Blethyn.

by Kathy Bailes, as featured in ‘Isle of Thanet News’ June 23, 2023 

Photo: Padraic O’Dwyer

The ‘Vera’ actress, and Ramsgate girl, took part in the planting on 22 June 2023 at the Lazarus Hart Havens of Rest Trust almshouse.

Almshouses are a charitable form of self sufficient, low cost community housing that is held in trust for local people in housing need. They are managed and run by almshouse charities made up of local volunteers.

The Havens consists of 10 one-bedroom flats, all of which are occupied, which were provided through a bequest from former Ramsgate mayor Lazarus Hart.

Lazarus Hart Havens of Rest almshouse Photo: Padraic O’Dwyer. The front of the building is Grade II listed.

The Havens was opened in 1923; each of the residents received a small monetary allowance – before the welfare state. During World War Two the residents were evacuated and the building was taken over by the army. The military left the building in 1947.

The Havens continued to function until the 1970s, when the building and gardens were in need of substantial restoration. The residents were moved out and the building renovated with bathrooms and kitchens added for each flat. The site reopened in the  late 1970s and continue to provide accommodation today.

Lazarus Hart was a bachelor and reputedly wealthy. A director of the Isle of Thanet (Margate) and Broadstairs gas Companies, he also had interest in South Eastern and Chatham Railway and Midland Railway Companies.  When charter of Corporation was granted in 1884, Hart was
amongst the first members of the Ramsgate Town Council and elected as mayor of Ramsgate for two terms in 1896 and 1897 during which time he declined to accept any salary. He died in 1917 and is buried in the Ramsgate Jewish cemetery. In his will he left £10,000 to provide for the building and maintenance of an almshouse.

posted 19 October 2023