The Government has announced that charitable companies and Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs) can continue to hold AGMs and other member meetings virtually until 30th March 2021.

For all other charity structures, members should consult their governing documents for guidance on how meetings can be held. At this difficult time it would be best to consult your governing documents regarding allowing virtual or telephone meetings where physical meetings are not possible. If your charityā€™s governing document does not allow for this, the Charity Commission suggests amending the document to allow for meetings to be held in this way. This is considered an administrative change and simply requires trustees to take a resolution at a quorate trustee meeting and advising the Charity Commission of these changes.  

Wherever possible, it is still hoped that members will be able to submit their annual returns online. However, if Trustees have an imminent deadline and believe they are likely to miss it, you should send an email to with your charity name and registration number.

Full guidance can be found here.

Posted 16 December 20