On 14th June 2021 we will be making some updates to the back end of our website.

Although you won’t see any changes to the front end of the website at this stage, the changes will eventually allow us to offer online event booking, accept membership and event payments online, and any changes members make to their web profile will be carried over to our database. This, we hope, will enable members to update their details and manage their membership at a time that is most convenient to them.

For members who are already registered on the website:

Forgot your password’ link on Login page

You will notice that when you login for the first time from 14th June, you will not be able to login using all your existing credentials.

Although your username (i.e. your email address) has been carried over into the new system and therefore remains the same, you will need to reset your password.

To do this, simply click on the ‘forgot your password’ button at the bottom of the screen. You will then be sent a link by email to reset it.


Anyone registering on the website for the first time (after 16th June)

You can do this as per normal . You should simply fill in the required fields, including your membership number.

Note: There is no restriction to the number of individuals per membership charity that can register on our website, however, each registration must use a different email address.

If you experience any issues when resetting your password or are not sure what you need to do, please do not hesitate to contact us on Tel: 01344 452922 or at almshousesupport@almshouses.org and we will be more than happy to help.

Posted 7 June 21