Dear Members

A HUGE THANK YOU to all member charities who have already completed The Great Almshouse Census.

You represent over 41% of our membership and normally that would be a brilliant response for a survey. But, for The Almshouse Association and the movement to be in a position of strength – so that we can influence local and national government to treat almshouses as a very worthwhile and valuable service to the community, or for Trusts and donors to choose almshouses to be beneficiaries of their funds – we will need many more almshouse charities to complete the census.

Our hope is that the census will give us the tools we need to be able to speak with confidence and clarity to people of influence about the current status of the almshouse movement and those it serves today.

I know how busy you are, but please spend a few moments completing the survey and help us protect the character and status of almshouses so that we can all ensure they continue to provide warm, happy and safe homes for people in need for many more generations to come.

Please access the census by clicking in the below link:

Your help in completing the census will be invaluable. Thank you in advance for your time.

Warmest regards

Nick Phillips
CEO of The Almshouse Association