Eventide Homes resident May turned 100 last November. Due to coronavirus restrictions, the big party planned could not take place, but the charity organised for a Malus Floribundu tree to be planted in her honour to mark her milestone birthday. 

They also put together a wonderful newsletter with photos and a potted history of how May came to Edgecombe Gardens which can be found by clicking here.

Unfortunately May contracted coronavirus just before her birthday and had a stint in hospital, but the amazing lady that she is, May made it out of hospital in time to celebrate her birthday at home and was able to smile through the window and show everyone her card from the Queen !

Photos and newsletter have been kindly sent in and published with the permission of resident May and clerk of Eventide Homes Joe Waters who is also The Almshouse Association Regional Representative for almshouse charities in Dorset, Hampshire and the Isle of White.

If you have a wonderful story about an almshouse resident, charity or trustee that you would like us to publish, please send in to karenmorris@almshouses.org.

Posted April 21