The Affordable Housing Commission has been established to achieve policy changes that will make a lasting difference around the affordability of housing.

Almshouse charities are the oldest form of charitable institution in the United Kingdom and have successfully provided their unique model of affordable housing for over a thousand years.

Today there are around 1700 almshouse charities across the United Kingdom, with the overwhelming majority situated in England. Almshouse charities provide homes for 35,000 residents making them collectively one of the largest specialist providers of affordable community housing.

Whilst almshouse charities may not be the only answer to meeting large-scale housing demand it can provide an exemplar model of community led affordable housing, either through individual almshouse charities or in conjunction with other partners. To that end, the Almshouse Association believes that almshouse charities can make positive contributions to all of the Commission’s work but in particular;

  • Helping those who face affordability issues in older age
  • Demonstrating a new affordable housing offer – increasing supply

In support of this, the Association has submitted evidence which can be downloaded here.

Further information on the Affordable Housing Commission can be found at


Update 12/04/19
Since submitting our evidence on 05/04/19, the Affordable Housing Commission has confirmed receipt of our submission and advised if we wish to send in supplementary information or updates on the evidence provided, we are encouraged to do so.

If any member charities would like to contribute, please contact Chris Targowski, Head of Policy and Engagement by email at