The Almshouse Charity of Sir John Offley was awarded a £50,000 loan from The Almshouse Association rolling fund in the first quarter of 2024 to assist with the renovation of No.2 Greyhound Cottage, Madeley, Staffordshire.
The original almshouses which are in Madeley, Crewe, CW3 9PW were built in 1645, paid for by money left in the Will of Sir John Offley of Madeley. They were endowed and built under the terms of the Will of 1645. The properties were extended and improved by Hungerford, Baron of Crewe in 1889 and again in 1968. The properties were listed as Grade 2 in 1966.
Since 1968 they have been further improved with modern kitchens and bathrooms. Extensive re-roofing was carried out in 2016 at a cost of £35,000 and in 2023 the windows to the front of the properties which were iron framed in oak surrounds were replaced as per the originals at a cost of £46,000. A grant of £5,000 was received from Newcastle Under Lyme Borough Council towards the cost of the work with the balance coming from the Charity’s reserves.
The village of Madeley has origins in the Saxon period and is mentioned in the Doomsday Book. It is an attractive village which has a mix of Local Authority and private dwellings served by a number of small businesses.
It was originally a mining village with Lycett Colliery being close to Madeley. The colliery was closed in 1957. Madeley is situated approximately five miles from Newcastle Under Lyme and Stoke on Trent with Crewe being approximately eight miles away, thus providing excellent road and rail links to all parts of the country. It has two primary schools and one secondary school.
The Project
The demand for low cost housing has, over the past few years, become a major issue with high rents and few suitable properties being available. The trustees have, for a number of years, looked for land on which to build additional almshouses but without success.
In 2019 the trustees decided to purchase two small properties in Madeley, No.1 Greyhound Cottage and Pool View. These properties were separated by No.2 Greyhound Cottage. The two properties were purchased and renovated at a total cost of £220,000 with the proceeds coming from the Charity’s reserves.
In 2023 No.2 Greyhound Cottage became available for purchase.
The trustees considered this an ideal opportunity to own the three properties. Nos.1 and 2 Greyhound Cottages are semi-detached cottages built in 1868. Pool Cottage, which has a passageway separating it from Greyhound Cottages, was built in the mid to late 1900 century.
No.2 Greyhound Cottage was purchased in February 2024 at a cost of £132,788. The property was in a poor state of repair and needed extensive renovation and repairs.
Quotes were obtained showing estimates of between £60,000 and £75,000. At the rear of the property is a substantial strip of land which could be suitable for future development.
The house needed to be completed gutted
The improvements to the property comprised:
- Damp course and complete re-plastering
- Re-roofing
- New staircase
- New floors and coverings
- Complete re-wiring
- New plumbing and bathroom fittings
- New kitchen
- New central heating system
- New interior and exterior doors
- New windows throughout
- New rainwater goods
- Decorating
The extensive renovations of No.2 Greyhound Cottage were completed on 24 October 2024 and the trustees were delighted to welcome a young family into the property on 1 November 2024.
The Almshouse Association
The Almshouse Charity of Sir John Offley writes,
“The Clerk contacted The Almshouse Association to enquire as to the possibility of a loan to assist with the costs of the renovation work on No.2 Greyhound Cottage. The help and assistance given by Fenella Hall during this process was exemplary. She gave clear guidance as to the procedure involved in making the application for a loan and the speed in which the application was dealt with was first class. Without the help of The Almshouse Association, the Charity would have had to wait many years to acquire the necessary funds to carry out the improvements required.
The Charity made the application on 19 February 2024 and the loan agreement was signed on 14 April 2024. This was quite exceptional. The trustees are extremely grateful and profound thanks go to Fenella and The Almshouse Association.”
Did you know?…
Funds used by The Almshouse Association to make loans to charities last in perpetuity. Loans to charities are interest-free with just a small setup fee. As they pay back the loan over a 10 year period, the Association is able to re-lend out the funds over and over again, ensuring more almshouses can be built or older almshouses can be preserved with a new roof or modernised with extensions or wet rooms. So if you are thinking about contributing to our rolling charity support fund by making a donation or leaving money in your Will, you will know that your money will be helping to change people’s lives for the better for many, many generations to come.
To find out more, please click here
posted January 2025