The London Borough of Barnet was involved in the 2023 London Festival of Architecture and the Day’s & Atkinson Almshouses played a part in the celebrations this year. They held an event on Saturday 24th June which took the form of a guided walk and talk with refreshments along the way.
“We met at the tomb of Charles Day (the ‘Day’ in Day’s and Atkinson’s) which is situated in the graveyard at St Margaret’s Church Edgware. We then moved on to the Day’s Almshouses in Stonegrove, then Atkinson’s Almshouses and finally the housing and community project that is ‘One Stonegrove’ where we held a Q & A and enjoyed a buffet lunch.
The event attracted around 30 participants and was attended by Councillors, the Clergy, Historic England, and members of the public. Rev’d Simon Rea (Chair of the Charity) and Peter Murphy (Trustee) each gave talks and took us on a journey of the architecture of the buildings and the history of the Charity.
The weather was perfect and our residents welcomed visitors into their homes and gave very positive testimonies as to the benefits of living in an almshouse.”
Mike Seaman, Clerk To The Trustees, Day’s and Atkinson’s Almshouses
Thank you for sending in these fantastic photos Mike and well done for all your hard work.
posted 5 July 2023