The Eventide Homes celebrated Founders’ Day on 21st July 2023. Residents, trustees, staff and guests enjoyed a barbeque in the almshouse grounds, 87 years after the first homes were built on the estate.
Ken Mantock, Chairman of the Charity, gave thanks to their Founder, Alderman JR Edgecombe, and the founding Trustees, for the legacy they have provided…
Alderman JR Edgecombe became increasingly aware of the growing number of cases of extreme hardship in Bournemouth during the 1930s. This was particularly so amongst women, who were left homeless and without adequate means of support. In 1933, he was elected as Mayor, an office that he held for three years, becoming an Alderman, and it was during this time that JR Edgecombe envisaged a community of small villas where older people in need could find security in the latter part of their lives. By July 1936, the first two blocks had been built and were ready for occupation. A Community Hall was opened in July 1937 and was made possible thanks to the kindness of Sir Alexander Maclean (of toothpaste fame). Today there are 74 homes on the estate.
This was the first event held on this scale since the pandemic and Ken Mantock thanked the support shown by the community during that time. He personally thanked the local Post Office Master, the local Chemist, and the Community Champion from the local supermarket. All went above and beyond in helping the residents of the charity during such a difficult time.
The Mayor of Bournemouth, Councillor Anne Filer, who was a guest at the event, and an ex-officio Trustee of the Charity herself during her term as Mayor, was amazed at the beautiful surroundings and publicly thanked the Trustees for their hard work in ensuring that the Charity is thriving today.