Each year the Association invites members to showcase their almshouse projects and achievements by applying for one of our awards. With the outbreak of coronavirus at the beginning of 2020,  the Association had to put the Patron’s Award and Award for Excellence and Inspiration on hold but we are delighted to be able announce the winners of the 2019 Gardens and People Award.

The winners all highlighted the sense of community their gardening projects created and the beneficial impact on their residents’ physical and mental wellbeing.  These projects and spaces have no doubt brought great comfort to residents during this year’s lockdown.

Lady Lumley’s Almshouses, Thornton-le-dale, North Yorkshire – set up a tea and chatter group, which now has 20 regular attendees. For the past three years they have also held an open day and in 2019 the residents won a local award for their outstanding garden display.

Partis College, Bath, Somerset –  established a new vegetable garden in a neglected part of the grounds. They put in 10 raised beds to ensure it was accessible to all residents. A handyman provides some physical support but otherwise it has been the hard work of the residents that had yielded delicious, home grown vegetables.

The residents at Yardley Great Trust, Birmingham initiated a project to improve small areas of the scheme by planting flower beds. The project grew and more residents got involved, spending more time outdoors and enjoying BBQs together. The project has fostered a greater sense of community, as well as improving the residents’ physical and mental health.

St Joseph’s Homestead, Stratford-upon-Avon converted the resident’s private gardens into a communal garden, creating a community feeling and providing a relaxing place for residents to sit. Residents are able to tend to part of the garden and there has been a focus on wildlife with the introduction of a hedgehog highway, bird feeders and bee-friendly plants.

Guild Cottages at the Municipal Charities of Stratford-Upon-Avon has a communal garden but gives its residents the opportunity to tend to the areas close to their homes. For those residents whose gardening skills aren’t quite as developed, a professional gardener is available to give a helping hand.

Residents at The Day Foundation, Coddenham, Suffolk took part in a local open garden scheme to help raise money for the local church and The Stone Foundation. They ran a stall selling second hand gardening equipment, sunflower seedlings and plants. They also took part in the scarecrow competition! These activities brought residents together and new friendships were formed.

To see more of their wonderful garden displays and previous years award winners, please click here

We are now inviting applications for our
2020 Almshouse Association Awards.
Full details on how to apply can be accessed here.
Deadline for applications is 15th January 2021

Posted 26 October 2020