At the recent Trustees and Clerks Seminar held  at the Bristol and Anchor Almshouse Charity on Tuesday 19th June 2018,  charity members received training on a number of topics, including The Application and Appointment Process, Managing Challenging Situations with Residents, Fire Safety and Data Protection.

As many are aware, there have been a number of changes to General Data Protection Regulations this year and to assist charities with compliance, we invited a company called Protecture, which has a team of data protection experts, to attend our seminar, give a presentation on GDPR and answer members’ questions. They have kindly given us permission to post their presentation on our website which can be accessed by clicking here.

More information on Protecture can be obtained by visiting their website at

The Almshouse Association has produced a model policy and guidance notes which can be accessed by clicking on the links.


Important Note: The products and services of third parties should be compared with others in the market place