Filing Annual Accounts and the Charity Commission

The Almshouse Association is aware of the technical issues that a number of our members have experienced when trying to file their charity’s Accounts with the Charity Commission and we have, therefore, referred this to the Commission.

We have subsequently been informed that it is possible for charities to request that their Accounts are ‘backdated to show as compliant’ once filed.

If you are experiencing problems in accessing the online service, it is necessary to complete an enquiry form, or alternatively call the Charity Commission’s contact centre on 0300 066 9197 (Mon – Fri, 9 am – 5 pm).  

Click for Charity Commission Enquiry Form

Text from Charity Commission Website regarding filing annual accounts at:
Prepare a charity annual return – GOV.UK (

NOTE: Access to the Charity Commission’s online services has changed. From 31 July 2023 your previous shared charity login details will no longer work.

You need to have set up your own My Charity Commission Account, using an individual email address and password, to access services on behalf of a charity.

If you have already set up your new account, with personal login information, you can sign in to submit your charity’s annual return.

When to submit your annual return

You must submit your annual return within 10 months of the end of your financial year.

For example, if your financial year end was 31 December 2022, your deadline is 31 October 2023.

What charitable companies and unincorporated organisations need to submit
Income under £10,000

You only need to report your income and spending.

Select ‘Annual return’ from your available services when you login to your account.

Income between £10,000 and £25,000

You must answer questions about your charity in an annual return.

You do not need to include any other documents.

Income over £25,000

You must answer questions about your charity in an annual return.

You will need to declare that there are no serious incidents that you have not reported to us. Report serious incidents before you submit your annual return.

You will need to get your accounts checked and provide copies of your:

You also need a full audit if you have:

  • income over £1 million
  • gross assets over £3.26 million and income over £250,000

Prepare your annual report and accounts first. You can then upload them when you complete your annual return.

What type of accounts you need to prepare depends on the type of charity and its finances.

What charitable incorporated organisations (CIOs) need to submit

You must answer questions about your charity in an annual return and include copies of your:

If your income is over £25,000 you also need to:

You also need a full audit if you have:

  • income over £1 million
  • gross assets over £3.26 million and income over £250,000

Prepare and agree your annual report and accounts first. You can then upload them when you complete your annual return.

What type of accounts you need to prepare depends on your charity’s finances.