Question time in Parliament is bringing to the fore the increased government focus on the Social Housing, Affordable Housing and Private Rented Sector.

MPs are seeing a rise in complaints from tenants about housing conditions that they must act on (see recent example of a Q&A at the end of this article). Almshouse charities could find themselves in the position of receiving a letter of complaint from their local MP on behalf of a resident, to which they must respond.

We are in no doubt that members will always respond in their usual positive and courteous way, however, we have been asked to give a quick bullet point check list that some may find useful.

If you receive a letter from your MP acting on behalf of a complainant:

  • Respond quickly – a speedy response often takes the frustration out of a situation and allows the MP to see that you are treating it as a priority.
  • If you need time – respond positively but say you will investigate thoroughly and respond by …………. Give a date you are confident you can meet.
  • Investigate the complaint or ask further questions of the MP.
  • Once investigated, if the complaint is already resolved, check with all parties concerned and be brief but clear in your response, thanking the MP for their interest.
  • If the complaint is fair and as yet unaddressed, try to resolve the situation, then, once you have done so, inform the MP that it is either being resolved or has been. Giving a brief outline of the situation if needed.
  • Remember, when you receive a letter from an MP, they are doing their job, taking up cases on behalf of their constituency and they may not be aware of the detail or fully understand the situation relating to almshouses. Your response may reassure and impress them and this may actually be a good opportunity to engage with your MP. In the moment, it does not feel like a positive situation but inviting the MP to the almshouse to meet you and meet your residents may have a beneficial long term outcome.
  • If you are concerned – if the complaint is genuine and you don’t have an answer – please call us and we will work with you on a solution.

Business Questions: Social Housing Providers

Wera Hobhouse (Bath) (LD): Many of my constituents have written to me with concerns about unsuitable living conditions in properties owned and run by Sanctuary. My casework team has written to Sanctuary many times and I wrote to the chief executive six weeks ago, but there has been no response. I know that many other MPs and councils have raised concerns about the unresponsiveness of that organisation. Can we have a debate about the responsiveness of social housing providers, who do, after all, provide a very important public service?

Penny Mordaunt: I thank the hon. Lady for her remarks. The moral of the story is that when the chief execs of such social housing providers receive letters from Members of Parliament, they would do well to reply to them in good time, otherwise Members of Parliament will come to the Floor of the House and name the social housing provider, and the Leader of the House of Commons will be forced to write to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities to make sure that they have heard Members’ concerns. I wish the hon. Lady well and we stand ready to assist her in getting the matter resolved for her constituents.

posted 15 May 2023