Promoting the almshouse brand is so important for the future success and stability of the almshouse movement.
Here at The Almshouse Association, we are working hard to make sure we get the message out about just how good almshouses are and what we need from the Government to make sure our members can continue to provide safe and warm community homes for people in need, but we are one voice. With almost 1600 members, just imagine how load our messages could be!
The Association is always very proud when we see positive media activity from our members – United St Saviours Appleby Blue and the Trinity Homes Almshouse exhibition in Brixton have both been making headline recently – and we were really pleased to receive a copy of an article Samantha Maskell of The Richmond Charities helped put together for publication in Venture, Atkins Ferrie‘s June 24 newsletter.
It begins…
“If you walk down Sheen Road in Richmond upon Thames, you may stop to admire a row of attractive Grade-II listed buildings. What you may not realise is that these buildings are almshouses – built in 1834 for ‘14 poor men and 14 poor women’. Over time, additional almshouses have been built on the site, and altogether they now provide a home for more than 50 people.
The estate is called Hickey’s Almshouses, after the man who bequeathed the estate back in 1728. It’s
owned and managed by The Richmond Charities. We caught up with Samantha Maskell (right), Head
of Finance, Policy and Governance at The Richmond Charities, to find out more… “
To read the article in full, please click here
Recently had something published on your own almshouse charity? Please do share it with us by emailing and we will be very happy to post on our website.
Or you may want to talk to us about your PR story. Please do contact us by emailing
posted 3 June 2024