Celebrations and planning

We are passionate about our member charities, about almshouses and the almshouse movement and our 75th anniversary year in 2021 was an opportunity to get to know our members even better and for us to join together and celebrate our achievements and the positive future of almshouses.

Celebrating happy occasions and achievements is so important. In 2023 we will continue to work diligently and effectively to establish more presence for the almshouse movement and you, our member charities.

We are always inspired by the events you organise/invite us to/send us in details and photographs of and overwhelmed by your dedication to help raise the awareness of the almshouse movement.

Whatever your ideas and plans, we are on hand to help you and support you to make your day very special indeed and share your enjoyment. Maybe we can post them up on our website or social media platforms, assist with PR?

By clicking in the boxes below, you will find lots of supportive information, from our celebration pack flyers, to almshouse news, stories and events and hints and tips for fundraising and trustee recruitment.

Thank you to everyone that got involved with celebrations for our 75th anniversary year. We truly appreciate it and have been so pleased to receive all your stories and photos. Please keep them coming ā€“ there is always a good reason to have another party!