Almshouse news and stories

We would like to share with you some of the interesting articles and stories about our member charities and news about the almshouse movement today in our posts below.

The historical aspect of almshouse charities and the legacy of their benefactors are considerable so it is hardly surprising that they are able to present a wide variety of stories and anecdotes ranging from their inception to the present day. There are cases where residents dress in the unusual “uniform” which is unique to their charity and others where splendid architectural features have been unearthed and restored.

The titles of many almshouses have wonderful names: The Eight Men of Broadclyst, The Sisters of Castle Rising and Twitty’s Almshouses, to name a few. Aside from their titles and history, however, the common factor shared amongst all almshouses is that today they continue to provide comfortable and secure homes for those in need, something they have done for centuries.

Richmond Charity helps raise the profile of almshouses

Promoting the almshouse brand is so important for the future success and stability of the almshouse movement. Here at The...
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NEWWAY Project explores setting up a new almshouse charity

A representative from the NEWWAY Project recently got in touch with Association CEO, Nick Phillips to talk about their project...
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Grand Opening of Appleby Blue almshouses

Hugh Graham, Senior Property Writer for The Times attends the opening of the Appleby Blue almshouses. "Not only am I...
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Search for lost portrait of Sir Thomas Dunk of Hawkhurst as almshouses celebrate 300 years

by Alan Smith for, 21 May 2024 The hunt is on for two lost portraits of a 17th century...
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Case Study: William Holmes Almshouses

Trustees tackle the damp impacting the lives of residents William Holmes Almshouses were provided with a £50,000 loan from The...
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Case Study: The Frances Geering Almshouses

Drainage works, replacement windows and replastering In the early part of 2024, The Frances Geering Almshouses Charity was awarded a...
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The almshouse movement’s next philanthropists?

"Building a new generation of almshouses could restore the Church’s sense of social mission – in partnership with industry!" The...
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Construction work begins on new almshouses in Gosport

A groundbreaking ceremony in Gosport has marked the start of construction on a new Thorngate Churcher Trust development of homes...
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Behind the blue doors..

To mark the 200th anniversary of Trinity Homes Almshouse in Brixton, photographer Jim Grover stepped inside to meet some of...
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Lessons Learnt – former Charity Commission CEO reflects

As Helen Stephenson CBE steps down from her position as CEO of the Charity Commission, in one of her final...
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What is affordable housing?

Association CEO, Nick Phillips asks " what is affordable housing?" Back in 2015, our friends at Shelter asked this question...
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CEO Blog: Are we losing our way?

The Almshouse Association CEO Nick Phillips comments on the new homeless laws Rarely do I comment on homeless issues, given the...
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