News summary of the latest Policy and Governance legislation that could impact and/or may require action from our member charities, with links to further information where applicable.

Further to our previous bulletin The Almshouse Association wanted to assure our members that we are in the process of preparing a detailed and carefully constructed response in terms of both the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill and the impact of the proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework as well as the Social Housing Bill.

Submitting a robust, fully supported case in both respects is, of course, imperative if we are able to stand some chance of gaining success in these matters and please be assured that the Association is doing all possible in order to ensure that almshouses are neither overlooked nor misinterpreted in these important issues. As always, we will, of course, keep our members closely informed of any developments.       

You can help us with our case. If you can let us know if you have been deterred from developing because of either the requirement to be a regulated Housing Prover or because of the definition in the current NPPF we would love to hear from you. The more real examples we can give Government the greater the weight of our argument. Email

RECORD OF PREVIOUS 2022 Policy and Governance updates:

Posted 12 January 23